Hello Engine

A C++ / OpenGL Game Engine made by video game development students Zhida Chen & Adrià Sellarés. Hello Engine is a fully featured game engine for Windows platform, with Level Editor, Entity Component System, Custom File Format, Scripting system, Undo/Redo, Resource Manager, Serialization system, and many others. This was a university assignment made in 3~ months. During this project, the engine has been improved and systems such as lighting, navmesh, skeletal animation, and physics, among others, have been integrated.



Skeletal Animation

Skeletal Animation


Particle System




Shading & Lighning

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The development has been divided into eight different stages. The initial stages focused on establishing the basics of the game and the art style. During Alpha I, II and III most of the game was developed, which allowed us to spend the Beta and Gold stages polishing the game according to the feedback received in the playtesting sessions.



During this 4 month we have used the scrum methodology, along with HacknPlan in order to organize our team and production plan, following the main structure with weekly sprints, daily scrums and finally retrospectives in order to improve. We have used the agile methodology in order to achieve the desired goal for each milestone, during the entire development we had eight delivery builds with an elapse time of 2-3 weeks in between.